Structure as Medicine

An Intro to Strategy, Systems, and Supportive Structure for Healing Artists and Professional Guides

([Price increases to $97 on April 5th)

You’ll Learn How To…

→ Develop custom strategies from scratch.

→ Create structure around your goals,.

→ Develop a system for prioritizing tasks and achieving your desires.

For when you’re feeling scattered, “inconsistent”, and out-of-sync with your vision and business systems.

We need to talk about the hustle / freeze / hustle cycle that comes from feeling both excited about the work and exhausted at the same time. We need to talk about what happens when brilliant wild-hearted creative entrepreneurs, healing artists, and guides like you try to retrofit someone else’s strategy and systems onto your vision. We need to talk about the collapse that happens in the body when this happens and how to shift out of cycles of self-disappointment that leave you feeling like you can’t get momentum–like you can’t move toward your vision.

If no one has told you yet, you are not the problem. There’s nothing “wrong” with you or your process.

Perhaps all you need is a map for remembering (and honoring) your wiring and the radical permission to craft systems and structures for your marketing as sales processes that actually work for you.

Structure as Medicine was crafted for your peace and liberation. It’s time to rest in your systems. It’s time to trust yourself again.

Course Modules:

  • What is your relationship with structure? What stories are you holding about what structure is and is not?

    In this module, we will introduce the idea that structure can be medicine. You will be guided to explore a relationship with structure that meets you where you’re at,

  • Inside of this module, we will explore four pillars of sacred structure that will support you to think about structure in new ways:

    1. Clarity as Spectrum

    2. Boundaries as Field

    3. Rhythm as Intrinsic

    4. Ritual as Somatic Practice

  • Using the Four Pillars of Sacred Structure, we will begin to discover a new relationship with structure through an ecosomatic study. This module aims to support you to claim a relationship with structure through the wisdom of your body. You will be guided to listen, attune, and track how and when adding more structure is correct for you in a vision development process.

  • Inside of this module, we will map values, needs, and priorities. We will name goals, desires, and outcomes. We will explore the ritual, rhythm, and new somatic shapes needed to support you to form new habits, new routines, and a renewed self-trust.

  • In this module, we will explore the basic components of a living strategy and how to structure one.

  • Inside of this module, we will talk about the basic components of a system and how to craft one. We’ll also discuss how systems become the kind of frameworks that have the capacity generate resource and revenue in your business.

What You’ll Receive:

  • Forever Access to the Course and Upgrades

  • Six High-Value Audio Modules and a Private Podcast Feed

  • Forever Access to Customizable Notion Workbook

Find Saftey in Structure, Not Restriction

As a highly sensitive person who lives with functional autism and the kind of dyslexia that has me starting in the middle (or at the end) of everything, I know what it’s like to have a love / hate relationship with all things strategy, systems, structure.

And I’m here to share that you don’t need to become someone you’re not in order to embrace a sense of structure in your vision. In fact, the deeper you can embrace yourself and your own natural wiring, the more powerful your structure and systems will be for you.

Inside of this Course You Will

→ Map a Practical Relationship with Structure that Will Help You Bring the Formless into Form

→ Discover Powerful Frameworks that will Help You Move the Needle Toward Where you Want to Go

→ Invite New Systems Into Your Work that Will Anchor Your Vision Development Process