
new somatic 

A Vision Incubator for Storying Our Way through Great Change

Writing New Somatic Myths is a six-week course where we engage the wisdom of the body and the power of story to cultivate new templates, new capacities, and new ways of being in culture.

The Stories We Tell Shape the Cultures We Exist Inside Of

And the Stories We Live Shape Our Futures

The power of story goes far beyond the intrigue of the tale or entertainment. Stories are what code culture. Stories shape the way we breathe, think, feel, love, and relate. And when those stories are deeply embedded within our bodies on a somatic level, they become the myths (the constructs) that shape our politics, our education, the structure of our systems, our ways of relating, and, in turn, the realities we live.

“What does it mean for each of us, individually, that our cultural myth is no longer living? From what are you to derive your sense of purpose, direction, and motivation? What is your myth?”

Sadie Alwyn Moon, Building the Cathedral: Answering the Personal Meaning Crisis through Personal Myth

You Are a Culture Doula

Inside of Writing New Somatic Myths, You’ll Receive…

Six Weekly Group Discussions

Access to Content for Life

Six Weekly Collaborative Labs

Slack Channel for Reflection

Weekly Office Hours

Actionable Steps Forward

We Begin on December 5th at 4:00 p.m. MST with an opening ceremony and reflection. This won’t just be a course that you consume. You’ll be invited to incubate brave ideas and share them both with your community and our group.

Join us if you

…Want to practice courageously sharing vision.

…Want to cross thresholds and grow your capacity for innovative thinking.

…Want to grow the muscle to keep asking bold questions and walking in the depths.


or three monthly payments of $400

Extended Payment Plan ⚡️ Available
until November 11/27 at 11:59 p.m.

$100 / mo.

for twelve months

We Each Hold a Shard of the Future’s Mosaic. We Each Hold a Note in the Future’s Song.

As the temptation for pessimism and collaspe in the face of World Issues™ lurk in the shadows, we will ask ourselves, “What does it look like, taste like, feel like, to craft futures that are whole, life-giving, and abundant for ourselves, our families, and alongside of our communities? What does it look like to vote for a future of wholeness with our words, our voices, our bodyies, our imagination, our spirit, and our devotion without losing myself in fight energy and over-responsibility?”

Inside of this Six-Week Journey, We’re Asking,

“How can I hold my shard of beauty well? How can I steward what wants to emerge? How can I craft well the futures that want to move through me? A song that nurtures my truth and supports my breath, and brings a contribution to our shared futures?”

“We’re being summoned by the world itself to make many urgent changes to the human project, but most central is a fundamental re-visioning and reshaping of ourselves, a shift in consciousness. We must reclaim and embody our original wholeness, our indigenous human nature granted to us by nature itself.”

Bill Plotkin, Wild Mind

Our Course Portal

As soon as you register, you’ll be given access to our course portal – inside of which you’ll find onboarding instructions, our meeting schedule, and a link to our community space for reflection and discussion. Everything you need will be inside, but if you have any questions, you can always reach out to us at support@thestorydoula.co

our schedule

  • Week One Discussion: Culturework, Creative Ecology, + Rooting Ourselves in the Larger Story
    Tuesday, December 5• 4:00 p.m. MST

  • StoryLab #1: What is My Culturework? Imagining Beyond the Passionate Hubris and Crafting a Visionary Narrative
    Friday, December 8 • 12:00 p.m. MST

  • Week Two Discussion: Finding and Singing the Deep Soul Song: Invoking Your Mythocultural Role
    Tuesday, December 12 • 4:00 p.m. MST

  • StoryLab #2: Mapping Your Initiatory Process
    Friday, December 15 • 12:00 pm. MST

  • Week Three Discussion: Ancestral, Past Life, and Karmic Healing + Becoming an Earth Channel
    Tuesday, December 19 • 4:00 p.m. MST

  • Story Lab #3: Root + Resource Mapping
    Friday, December 22 • 12:00 pm. MST

  • Week Four Discussion: Rooting and Nurturing the Soul’s Voice in a Rapidly Changing Wold
    Tuesday, December 22 • 4:00 p.m. MST

  • Story Lab #4: Crafting a Culturework Manifesto
    Friday, December 26 • 12:00 p.m. MST

  • Week Five Discussion: Grief, Death, and Initiation: Embracing the Prophetic Mystery of Change
    Tuesday, January 2 • 4:00 p.m. MST

  • StoryLab #5: Crafting a Core Theory of Change
    Friday, January 5 • 12:00 p.m. MST

  • Week Six Discussion: Sowing the Seeds of Vision: Storying Our Way into New Shapes and Roles
    Tuesday, January 9 • 4:00 p.m. MST

  • StoryLab #6: Closing Ceremony + Oratory Circle
    Friday, January 12 • 12:00 p.m. MST

what we’ll explore

Week 1  / December 5 / 4:00 p.m. MST - 7:00 p.m. MST

Culturework, Creative Ecology, and Rooting Ourselves in the Earth’s Story

What is culturework? And why does it matter that we embrace our capacity to create and share vision as culturework and not just as entrepreneurial pursuits or passion projects?

In week one of Writing New Somatic Myths, we will explore the relationship betweeen the cultural narratives we hold, the creative process, and thinking about ourselves and our work ecologically. Guided by the wisdom of the Four Directions, we will begin to cultivate a deeper awareness of your place and unique role within your local cultural and relational web.

Week 2 / November 28 / 4:00 p.m. MST - 7:00 p.m. MST

Finding and Singing the Deep Soul Song: Invoking Your Mythocultural Role

Finding and Singing the Deep Song is a metaphor for the journey of discovering the bone-deep sound of the self, or as Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estes writes, the Canto Hondo. This work is also an invitation to recognize our reverential inclusion and inherent belonging on the Earth.

During week two, we’ll explore the "song" we each carry and how it wants to be expressed in our work, our local cultures, and in relationship with the Earth. Through this exploration, we'll begin to map and story your "Mythocultural Role", the story of how your soulwork wants to unfurl in the world. Through introspective exercises and storytelling, you'll unearth the essence of your soul's song, discovering the unique gifts you bring to your cultural mythology.

Inside of Writing New Somatic Myths We’re…

Imagining (and crafting) futures that go beyond constant self-tweaking and obsessive personal development. It’s time to write new stories, new constructs, and new norms.

Week 3 / December 5 / 4:00 p.m. MST - 7:00 p.m. MST

Ancestral, Past Life, Karmic Healing, and Becoming an Earth Channel

In Week Three of Writing New Somatic Myths, we will acknowledge that our present lives are deeply intertwined with the experiences and energies of our ancestors and past incarnations.

By delving into the material of the past with compassion, forgiveness, dedication, and self-kindness, we open ourselves to a profound process of self-discovery and healing. Through this exploration, we come to understand how generational patterns of trauma and pain can shape our present expressions and experiences, offering an opportunity for deep self-repair and transformation.

Week 4 / December 11 / 4:00 p.m. MST - 7:00 p.m. MST

Rooting and Nurturing the Soul’s Voice in a Rapidly Changing World

This week in Writing New Somatic Myths, you'll learn to disentangle from limiting cultural narratives, allowing your soul's authentic voice to emerge. During this phase of our program, we recognize that cultural narratives play a significant role in shaping our identities and perspectives.

However, sometimes these narratives can become entangled with our sense of self, leading to self-limiting beliefs and self-silence. Cultural enmeshment can restrict us from fully embracing the beauty of our essence, hindering our ability to bring forward our truest, most soul-aligned work. Through this process of gentle unraveling, you'll liberate your soul's authentic voice – that inner melody that is uniquely yours, waiting to be sung with all its complexity, nuances, and textures.

“Symbologically, this is the first time humans are being invited to consciously create myth, as opposed to myth surfacing and just happening. Neptune and Uranus are asking, ‘Anybody listening? Co-create with the magical transcendent a global mythology.”

Astrologer Carolyn Casey on the Neptune / Uranus Conjunction Generation

Week 5 / December 19 / 4:00 p.m. MST - 7:00 p.m. MST

Tending to Grief and Embracing the Prophectic Mystery of Change

Change is the only constant we can rely on in this world and if we want to effectively express vision, root stories, and sow potential in to the soil of the collective imagination, we must befriend the nature of it. With change comes grief, death, loss, and the dissolution of old worlds and old ways of being. What is your body’s relationship to the natural order of things? As a doula, a midwife, a thresholdkeeper, and a storytender of our futures, it is time to become a steady, yet loving witness to the grief of death, and evolution. In month five of Storykin, we will practice together what it looks like to passionately love a transitioning world and allow our devotion to New Earth templates + imaginings to lead the way.

Week 6 / December 26 / 4:00 p.m. MST - 7:00 p.m. MST

Sowing Seeds of Vision: Storying Our Way into New Shapes + Roles

Who will you be in the midst of change? This is the primary question of week six of Writing New Somatic Myths. When life calls you to surrender your attachments to the way things have always been or the ways you have always imagined them, who will you be? There is no right answer, because this act of holy surrender is not easy. Perhaps, what we can cultivate in these moments, not a sense of control but a sense of heightened wonder, curiousity, and a willingness to both grieve and give ourselves over to the new beauty that is being born in us. This is what it means to lead the Self and tend to the thresholds we’re here to tend — it is holy surrender and sacred devotion to the story of what wants to happen.

additional course modules

15-Minute Reflection-Rich Deep Dives to Support Your Unfolding

“Personal development can’t save us.”

– Stephen Jenkinson

There are no easy answers about how to move through the mystery of this moment we’re in as a world, but what we can see is that we are in a meta-crisis (a crisis of crises over lapping each other) that is shaking up our norms and causing us to cry out and collectively protest for new ways of being. What we can see is that so many people don’t know who they are, how they belong on the Earth at this time, or how they can bring their gifts into culture and still sustain a living.

So many people are asking “What can I do?” because our crises feel impossible to navigate and many of us don’t know who they are or where they belong. Many are running to auyahausca ceremonies, psychedelics, internet gurus, and high-ticket coaches that they can’t afford because they are so desperate to know how their essence fits into the world’s story. So many have no idea what their essence even feels like because we’ve never been taught how to cultivate their gifts and identity outside of being useful to capitalism and the industrious nature of our modern concerns.

So many people don’t know who they are outside of the system that raised them, so, they don’t know how to contribute authentically or how to live their true purpose.

This is why I created Writing New Somatic Myths. I ache to see a world where people know who they are. A world where people live from the conviction and truth of their bodies. A world where people know the medicine they have to bring. They know how to get low, listen, and weave themselve’s into the Earth’s story. They know how to bring their contributions, their innovations, and their essence, and sing their unique song.

And if you can raise your hand on feeling lost on how to express in any of these ways,
Writing New Somatics Myths is for you.

This Course Is…

One part Personal Myth and Cultural Storyshaping
One part Spirit Work and Journeying
One part Creative Ecology and Earth Clairvoyancy
One part Somatic Attunement and Listening

What if the power of story was not just in helping us to access our capacity to imagine, but also to craft the futures we long to exist inside of?

What if story is here to mobilize us? To help us really move toward liberation in ways we may have never imagined before?

Here’s how I know for sure–read my story below 👇🏽

For me, it started in my bedroom at twelve, sorting through the doctrines I was learning through my homeschool curriculum, trying to make sense of the “end times” and the “rapture” like my life depended on it – trying to digest everything I was learning about “salvation” and “holiness” in my Independent, Fundamentalist Baptist Church.

Some of the myths that were constructing my reality were…

👉🏼 That physical abuse was instructed by God and was a normal part of growing up. And that receiving physical abuse would make me a servant worthy of God’s blessings and would also signify my obedience to divine will.

👉🏼 My body, my life, my education, and my story belonged to my husband. And when I got married at 19, I learned that I was to honor his final word in the decisions he made for our family at all costs.

👉🏼 My duty in this life and in this world was first to the local church and to the work of evangelizing the world for the sake of the gospel of Jesus. And that when presented the choice, I was to die for this cause. I was to put my life on the line as Christ had done for me.

Those nights in my twelve year old bedrooom were spent daydreaming about wearing pants, instead of the long skirts the women in our church were made to wear, and daydreaming about what it would be like to go to school and find my way into the world as a doctor, or a writer, or maybe even as a lawyer, instead of the pastor’s wife I was told I must become.

 I had no concept that I was living in a cult.

I was taught to reject the idea that I had any kind of sovereignty over my life or my body at all (only God was sovereign) or that I was truly worthy of anything at all–support, love, respect.

Doctrines of depravity and worthlessness ruled my thinking and made world smaller and smaller every day. Until I had a mythic breakthrough.

Through the reading of one story, the embodiment of one archetype, my entire myth (my construct of reality) began to slowly unravel and I began to find the courage to quietly rebel, ask questions, write, and construct my own understanding of the world.

And as it does, story saved my life and taught me how to consciously embrace change, and cultivate a new relationship with who I was here to be in this world.

When we shift our myths,
we shift our culture.

What stories are living in your body about what is possible for our future? How do these stories want to changed, evolved, and invited into new expressions? This is the world we’ll do inside of Writing New Somatic Myths. We Begin on December 5th.

This Space Exists Because…

The World Needs More Creative Leaders Living with their Hearts Open, an Ear to the Earth, and a Willingness to Lead from the Depths of their Spirits

I created this program because I feel that Western society is in dire need of spaces where intuitive, daring, and attuned creativity can flourish and where ensouled visionaries can come together to imagine and craft futures that bleed beyond the limitations of our current conscious reality. We are living in a time where the mundane aspects of society desperately require the infusion of prophetic wisdom and new stories. It’s time to tap into the depths of our collective imagination and midwife cultures that transcend the boundaries of what we have known before.

There are new stories, new ways, and new templates for meeting life that long to be born into our collective awareness. To nurture new stories, we must get low and listen. We must turn on the ears of the psyche, and call them forth from the deep.

Meet Your Guide

Storyteller, Visionary Midwife, and Ecosomatic Depth Coach

Welcome love, I’m Dajé. As a Memphis-born, Appalachian-cured storyteller, story doula, and ecosomatic depth coach; I am here to support seekers, lovers, crafters, and kin in finding and singing the deep song of their lives.

There are new stories, new ways, and new templates for meeting life that long to be born into our collective awareness. To nurture new stories, we must get low and listen. We must turn on the ears of the psyche, and call them forth from the deep.

This is my work as a story doula – calling forth true and deep liberation from the collective subconscious and bringing it into the light.

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