A Six-Week Contemplation on Honoring Our Spiritual Life and Death Cycles

“I have not forgotten the song of those dark years, hambre del alma, the song of the starved soul. But neither have I forgotten the joyous canto hondo, the deep song, the words of which come back to us when we do the work of soulful reclamation.”

Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estes, Women Who Run with Wolves

Finding and Singing the Deep Soul Song is a soul journey, an invocation, a mythopoesis, and a calling forth of the deeper story of you, your inner life, and your calling.

This Series is a Self-Led Journey and an Invitation to Honor Your Life / Death / Life Cycles

Starting June 20th, you will receive access to six weeks of contemplations, meditations, and reflection questions.

On June 20th You’ll Receive Access to:

  1. Six Weekly 5 minute Invocations Delivered through Email

  2. Six Weekly 30 - 45 minute Audio Contemplations

  3. Six Soul Journey Meditations

  4. Six Sets of Journal Prompts for Deeper Reflection

  5. The Soul Journey Workbook for Self-Inventory and Discovery

  6. Access to Our Community Reflection Space in Discord

Our Live Meeting Schedule:

6/20 at 6:00 p.m. pst – 1-Hour Opening Ceremony

7/2 at 11:00 a.m. pst – 2 Hour Mid-Point Ceremony and Q+A

7/18 at 6:00 a.m. pst – 1-Hour Closing Invocation

What We’ll Explore Together

Week 1: Waking Up the Bones

Week 2: Invoking the Soul Story

Week 3: Heeding the Siren’s Call

Week 4: Traversing the Realm of Mystery

Week 5: Surviving the Descent to Soul

Week 6: Ascending to Your Mythocultural Role

Meet Your Guide

Storyteller, Facilitator, and Ecosomatic Depth Coach

Welcome love, I’m Dajé. As a Memphis-born, Appalachian-cured storyteller, story doula, and ecosomatic depth coach; I am here to support seekers, lovers, crafters, and kin in finding and singing the deep song of their lives.

There are new stories, new ways, and new templates for meeting life that long to be born into our collective awareness. To nurture new stories, we must get low and listen. We must turn on the ears of the psyche, and call them forth from the deep.

This is my work as a story doula – calling forth true and deep liberation from the collective subconscious and bringing it into the light.

WebsiteInstagramMy Songs (for fun)

“I believe that Mystery arranges such psyche-animating alignments for each one of us and that we find the doorway, if we ever do, only after we’re psychospiritually prepared to enter a cocoon of transformation. Although for me the elements that opened the door were a dream, a vision, and a landscape, for others the strans might include a sign, an omen, an inner image received while awake, a close encounter with a nonhuman creature, a disembodied voice, a ceremony, a line of poetry, a storm, or a rainbow or meteor, a prophecy, a wound, a somatic awakening, or a sacred object such as a knife or a chilce. We’re all guided by Mystery. When th time is right and if we offer our attention, we’ll find the door and it will open.”

Bill Plotkin, Journey to Soul Initiation

Inside of Finding and Singing the Deep Soul Song, You Will…

Learn the Skill of Practical Prophecy

You have the power to birth worlds with your medicine. It’s time to peel back the layers of shame, shyness, and imposter syndrome. It’s time to step beyond obligatory empty creative practices and rituals that have no temperature, no juice. It’s time to step into your power and capacity to invoke new paths and new potentials in your life and on the Earth.

Be Invited Out of Shame and into Your Path of Heart, Truth, and Devotion

What is the sacred work that your heart was meant to bring, beloved? No matter how old you are or what stage of life you find yourself in, it’s time to remember that the warmth in your veins and the truth in your spirit has potency and matter-moving potential. You have the power to craft new futures and call forth the beauty you want to see in the world.

Let us admit it. We are building a motherland; each with our own plot of soil eked from a night of dreams, a day of work. We are spreading this soil in larger and larger circles, slowly, slowly. One day it will be a continuous land, a resurrected land come back from the dead. Munda de la Madre, psychic Motherworld, coexisting and coequal with all other worlds. This world is being made from our lives, our cries, our laughter, our bones. It is a world worth making, a world worth living in, a world in which there is a prevailing and decent wild sanity.

Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estes, Women Who Run with Wolves
Chapter 15, Shadowing: Canto Hondo, The Deep Song

Inside of Finding and Singing the Deep Soul Song, we’ll explore how…

We Each Hold a Shard of the Future’s Mosaic

We each hold a note in the future’s song.

As the temptation for pessimism and collaspe in the face of World Issues™ lurk in the shadows, I keep asking myself, “What does it look like, taste like, feel like, to craft futures that are whole, life-giving, and abundant for myself, for my family, and alongside of my community? What does it look like to vote for a future of wholeness with my words, my voice, my body, my imagination, my spirit, and my devotion without losing myself in fight energy and over-responsibility?”

Inside of this Six-Week Journey, We’re Asking,

“How can I hold my shard of beauty well? How can I steward what wants to emerge? How might I find and sing my deep soul song? A song that nurtures my truth and supports my breath, and brings a contribution to our shared futures?”

In this Course, We’re Asking…

  • How can I hold what is mine to hold?

  • How can I love well who is in my field?

  • How can I lean in and bring my humble offerings and medicine to the landscape of an evolving world?

⚡️ Our Course Portal

As soon as you register, you’ll be given access to our course portal – inside of which you’ll find instructions on accessing your Soul Journey materials, downloadable resources, and our community space for reflection and discussion. Everything you need will be inside, but if you have any questions, you can always reach out to us at support@storywork.studio.

Have Questions?

Send an email to support@storywork.studio. We’ll help you there.